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Teatro TNT de Sevilla presenta el 6 y 7 de febrero, la aclamada Ópera de los Tres Centavos escrita por Bertolt Brecht, e interpretada esta vez, por Salvática Teatro. Les hablo de una obra musical que supuso antes y después tras su estreno en Berlín de 1928, en la cual los cantos populares, la música experimental, entre otras cosas; hacen de esta obra sea una garantía de entretenimiento, y de reflexión.

No es un secreto que la obra Bertolt Brecht tiene una vocación pedagógica y revolucionaria, para que los espectadores que se han permitido asistir a sus trabajos, salgan del teatro pensando sobre su lugar en el mundo, y más en concreto, el papel que cada uno interpretamos en esta decadente sociedad capitalista. Al menos, ese es uno de los mensajes que se pueden extraer de una pieza en la que la corrupción y la infamia, forman parte del día a día, y es difícil saber quiénes son los auténticos delincuentes en esta sociedad ¿La idea común de delincuente es un constructo ideológico, para velar los actos desalmados de otros que se erigen como ejemplo de moralidad? Estas y otras preguntas, se pondrán sobre la mesa.

Understanding Asexual Dating: Myths, Realities, and the Spectrum of Attraction

Have you ever wondered what it means to be asexual? In a world where dating and sexuality are often equated, understanding and accepting asexuality can be a challenge. But fear not, because in this article, we will dive into the fascinating world of asexual dating, debunking myths, exploring realities, and shedding light on the spectrum of attraction. Whether you identify as asexual, are curious about asexuality, or simply want to broaden your understanding of different sexual orientations, this post is for you.

As we embark on this journey, we will address common misconceptions surrounding asexuality and challenge the notion that romantic and sexual attraction are inseparable. We will explore the diverse experiences within the asexual community, highlighting the spectrum of attractions that individuals can experience. From demisexuality to gray-asexuality, we will uncover the nuances and complexities of asexuality, debunking the myth that it is a one-size-fits-all orientation. So, get ready to expand your knowledge and challenge preconceived notions as we explore the intricacies of asexual dating.

Debunking the Myths: Challenging Misconceptions about Asexual Dating

Asexual dating is often misunderstood, with many myths and misconceptions surrounding it. It is important to debunk these myths and shed light on the realities of asexual dating, as well as the spectrum of attraction within the asexual community. Contrary to popular belief, asexual individuals can and do form romantic relationships, although their sexual attraction may be absent or minimal.

Understanding asexual dating requires recognizing the diverse range of experiences within the asexual community. While some asexual individuals may choose to abstain from romantic relationships altogether, others may seek companionship and emotional connections through dating. In recent years, the rise of dating sites for asexuals has provided a platform for like-minded individuals to meet and explore meaningful relationships without the pressure of sexual expectations. These dating sites for asexuals allow individuals to connect with others who understand and respect their unique experiences and preferences.

Unveiling the Realities: Navigating Intimacy and Connection in Asexual Relationships

Asexual dating is often misunderstood and surrounded by various myths and misconceptions. It is crucial to understand the realities and the spectrum of attraction that asexual individuals experience. Asexuality is a sexual orientation where individuals do not experience sexual attraction towards others. This does not mean that asexual people do not experience romantic or emotional connections, but rather that they do not feel the same drive for sexual intimacy as others.

One common myth about asexual dating is that asexual individuals are not interested in relationships. However, this is far from the truth. Asexual people can and do form deep and meaningful connections with others. They may engage in romantic relationships, which can involve emotional intimacy, companionship, and even physical affection, such as cuddling or holding hands. These relationships are based on mutual understanding, communication, and respect for each other’s boundaries.

It is important to recognize that asexuality exists on a spectrum, just like any other sexual orientation. Some asexual individuals may experience little to no sexual attraction, while others may experience occasional or limited attraction. This spectrum of attraction is known as gray-asexuality or demisexuality. Understanding and respecting this spectrum is crucial when it comes to asexual dating, as it allows individuals to navigate relationships and find compatible partners based on their unique needs and desires.

The Spectrum of Attraction: Exploring the Diverse Experiences of Asexual Individuals

Asexual dating is often misunderstood and overlooked, leading to many myths and misconceptions. It is important to understand that asexuality is a valid sexual orientation, characterized by a lack of sexual attraction towards others. Contrary to popular belief, asexual individuals are capable of forming deep and meaningful romantic relationships. However, it is crucial to recognize that asexual individuals have different needs and desires when it comes to intimacy and physical affection.

One common myth about asexual dating is that asexual people are not interested in any form of romantic or sexual relationships. This is far from the truth. Asexual individuals can experience romantic attraction and may engage in romantic relationships, which can be just as fulfilling and satisfying as relationships between non-asexual individuals. The key difference lies in the absence of sexual attraction. Asexual individuals may still desire emotional connection, companionship, and affection, which can be expressed through non-sexual acts of love and intimacy.

Understanding the reality of asexual dating requires acknowledging the spectrum of attraction. Asexuality is not a one-size-fits-all orientation. Asexual individuals may fall anywhere on the spectrum, ranging from experiencing no sexual attraction (asexual) to occasionally experiencing it (gray-asexual). It is essential to respect and honor individual experiences and boundaries within asexual dating. Communication, consent, and understanding are crucial in building healthy and fulfilling relationships with asexual partners, just as they are in any other relationship. By challenging myths and embracing the realities of asexual dating, we can create a more inclusive and accepting society for all.

Communication and Consent: Building Healthy Relationships in Asexual Dating

Asexual dating is often misunderstood, surrounded by myths and misconceptions. It is essential to debunk these myths and shed light on the realities of asexual dating to foster understanding and acceptance. Asexuality is a sexual orientation characterized by a lack of sexual attraction towards others. Contrary to popular belief, asexual individuals do experience romantic feelings and can form deep emotional connections with others. However, they do not experience sexual desire or the urge for sexual activity.

One myth about asexual dating is that asexual individuals are not interested in relationships. This is far from true. Asexual people can and do form intimate and fulfilling relationships, but the dynamics may differ from those of sexual relationships. Asexual individuals may prioritize emotional intimacy, companionship, and shared interests over sexual intimacy. It is important to respect and understand the boundaries and needs of asexual partners, as communication and consent play vital roles in fostering healthy relationships. By recognizing the spectrum of attraction and dispelling misconceptions, we can create a more inclusive and understanding environment for asexual individuals in the dating world.

Support and Empowerment: Resources for Asexual Individuals in the Dating World

Asexual dating is often misunderstood and surrounded by myths and misconceptions. It is essential to understand the realities and the spectrum of attraction when it comes to asexual relationships. Contrary to popular belief, asexuality is not a choice or a phase; it is a sexual orientation where individuals do not experience sexual attraction towards anyone. Asexuality exists on a spectrum, with some asexual individuals feeling no sexual attraction at all, while others may experience a low level of sexual attraction or only under specific circumstances.

One common myth about asexual dating is that asexual individuals cannot have romantic relationships. This is not true. Asexual people can and do form deep, loving, and meaningful connections with others. While their relationships may not involve sexual intimacy, they can still experience emotional and romantic attraction. Asexual dating can be fulfilling and satisfying for asexual individuals and their partners, as long as there is open communication, understanding, and respect for each other’s needs and boundaries.

Understanding asexual dating is crucial in creating a more inclusive and accepting society. By debunking the myths and exploring the realities of asexuality, we can break down barriers and foster understanding. Asexuality is not a choice or a phase, but rather a valid sexual orientation on a diverse spectrum of attraction. It is important to recognize that asexual individuals can and do form meaningful and fulfilling relationships, whether they are romantic or not. By embracing and respecting the asexual community, we can create a world where everyone feels valued and understood, regardless of their sexual orientation.

Bertolt Brecht defendía la idea de diluir las diferencias entre el arte “culto” del “popular”, de tal manera que se democratice la cultura y la forma de abordarla. No es de extrañar que ese tipo de distinciones en los días que corren, se identifiquen como afirmaciones  que poseen un grado de clasismo y aporofobia. No obstante a principios del siglo XX, ese planteamiento no carecía de cualquier tipo de controversia, dado que llevaba consigo la necesidad de acercar a toda la población los contenidos que estaban a disposición de la burguesía intelectual, por más que muchos de sus integrantes conspirarán por cambiar el sistema.


Así se nos presenta esta obra en la web del Teatro TNT, esto es: La ópera de los tres centavos” es una de las obras más significativas e influyentes del siglo XX. Su estreno en 1928 supuso un acontecimiento sin precedentes en Berlín ya que suponía un cambio radical en la forma de concebir la ópera. Más de veinte temas musicales, algunos de ellos convertidos en canciones referenciales del siglo XX (La Balada de Mackie, La canción de los cañones, Yenni la de los piratas…) han sido interpretados por las más prestigiosas voces del mundo. Brecht la ubicó en la capital británica y su temática resulta de lo más actual: las mafias que trafican con la mendicidad, como hoy día sucede con los inmigrantes; la prostitución; la corrupción; la pobreza y el estallido de éstos. Pero lo que hace especialmente atractiva esta obra es su tono entre lo grotesco, la denuncia social y el cabaret”.

Es fundamental tener presente a la hora de ver esta obra, que a los colectivos más desfavorecido no conviene verlos como seres impotentes, como menos humanos. Más bien, como seres que también toman decisiones, seres con el potencial suficiente de reconstituir sus vidas con consciencia y acciones. Acciones que aunque no sean una garantía de que sus vidas llegarán a mejor recaudo por los frutos de sus esfuerzos, sí que ello los embarca como personas que dignifican sus vidas, a pesar de que la realidad estructural y demás condicionantes, les compliquen tanto salir de sus precarias circunstancias. Y si queda alguna duda, no es cuestión de justificar ciertos comportamientos que en nuestro imaginario colectivo son inaceptables; sino en realidad, les invito a hacer una reflexión profunda sobre cómo encuadramos a los más desfavorecidos: unos parámetros en los cuales la pena y la adjudicación, hacia los que les calificamos como «los otros», nos conduce a entenderlos como seres abyectos.

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